SEO- Made Easy
The term SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a process of making a site more reachable and visible to people. When someone searches for something on any search engine, it looks for the most relevant terms among all the available online resources. So, the search engine optimization facilitates various changes in a website which makes its components or materials suitable and more discoverable. It improves the rankings of a website or web page in a search engine result page ( SERP ) to increase the number of visitors to the website or web page. Thus, this process maximizes the access probability of any site attracting most number of users. Actually all search engines are kind of artificial or digital users which help other users to find out most relevant stuff. SEO stresses on numerous tinier changes which as a whole bring in significant or substantial differences in the material. It increases qualitative and quantitative traffic for a website. In the digital era when every blogger or site-publisher is looking to increase readers or site-visitors, SEO plays a crucial role in accomplishing the ultimate objective. It involves a variety of strategies and tactics that are designed to improve the ranking of a website or web page in a SERP. The higher a website appears on the SERP, the more web users it will capture. This will result in higher organic traffic, which in turn improves the amount of revenue a website can generate. Among various factors, following are few basics for SEO:
Six most basic steps for SEO:
To know about basic technical terms:
It is essential and very important to know few basic technical terms related to the process of search engine optimization. This process of gathering technical terms and cracking the meaning may cause one a handsome amount of time at first, but it will definitely help in long run. Actually, the SEO process involves specific and dedicated terms which are not used in daily life. So, the first step towards working on SEO is exploring terms like crawling, indexing, googlebot, robot.txt etc. and to know their purposes.
Keep content simple and concise:
In the age of rat race, people have very little time to ponder over an issue. Moreover, the language English serves as a lingua franca. If any content is written from an expert’s point of view, the write up will attract limited traffic. So, simplicity and conciseness play a crucial role in engaging most number of traffic.
Although a good piece of writing shouldn’t lack depth, it will definitely be divided into many parts keeping the comprehension level of targeted users in mind. Thus, the standard of different parts will serve different categories of people and there should be a parity in the gradual development of the write up.
Keep site mobile-friendly:
Nowadays, almost all the smart phone users reach to their handset at once for accomplishing any online task or to explore any unknown concept through different search engines. If any website or a digital page is heavy and bulky for a mobile phone to download, it will definitely affect the site traffic badly. As the number of traffic goes down, search engine recommendation also decreases. That is why it is very important to keep a website light and without any unnecessary media files.
Continuously posting blogs:
Various blogs are primary vehicle for SEO. It helps one in creating links as well as in attracting visitors. A content of high quality easily attracts traffic. Once reputation as a good blogger is earned, visitors of any particular site is bound to increase. At least for first few days after launching a new site, posting relevant and trending blog at regular interval marks a prominent presence in visitor’s mind.
Plagiarism check:
Before posting any content, it is very important to check for plagiarism. Nowadays, many free online websites are available for plagiarism check. If the complete write-up is unique and no portion of the same falls under plagiarism, there is no issue in posting the content. If any portion has any similarity (intentional or unintentional), it can be avoided also by replacing exact similar words and expressing the same idea differently. This little change makes big difference in building up reliability for different search engines.
Google Search Console:
Once a website is launched online, Google search console automatically index the Url of the page. But the process is time taking. Although the same can be done manually to accelerate the whole process. For indexing a url on Google, one needs to provide the complete link of a particular page, after logging in to google search console, and to apply for indexing. This request also takes time to get approved, but surely faster than automatically done. Once indexing is done, it reaches and responds to more search result.
As it is mentioned earlier that there is no set rule for the process of SEO, and this is an ever-evolving process, only few basic hints can be provided for the beginners. As one works more on SEO, s/he gathers more knowledge on this subject. So, the best method of learning SEO is to work on it at regular basis with an ever-learning attitude towards the same field, as it is a dynamic concept. After all it is always better to practice swimming rather than learning it theoretically.