Why is Sustainable Development the Need of the Hour?: An Analysis

Why is Sustainable Development the Need of the Hour?: An Analysis



Sustainable development is the certain kind of development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In order to achieve sustainable development, we need to take a holistic and integrated approach that considers the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of development.

Why Sustainable Development Is Necessary:

The world is rapidly changing and growing. In order to meet the needs of an expanding population, we need to find ways to do more with less. We need to find ways to produce more food, use fewer resources, and generate less waste.

We cannot continue on our current path – if we do, we will run out of resources, degrade our environment, and cause untold suffering.

The good news is that we know what we need to do in order to achieve sustainable development. We have the knowledge and the tools we need.

What Is Sustainable Development?

Sustainable development is a complex term in that it can be interpreted in many different ways. However, a common thread runs through sustainable development: developing countries need greater independence from, and are therefore dependent upon, the development approaches and technologies of the developed world.

Sustainable development means the same thing no matter where it is being applied – it is a development strategy that has to be delivered at multiple levels that has affected and change the relationships between countries and groups, countries and societies, and government, the private sector, the NGO, the military as well as the broadest sectors of society.

However, sustainable development is often referred to as environment, interrelations, and economy. Therefore, sustainable development can be defined locally as insuring a healthy environment, maximizing economic growth while also restricting resource consumption, and guaranteeing a fair deal for the most vulnerable groups involved. Sustainable Development Must Be Practiced Globally. It is the first recommendable not only in the developed world but in the developing and the undeveloped as well.

The term also describes the need for society to act to prevent critical current trends in order to improve the quality of life for generations to come. Sustainable development can be broadly defined as a process of change, which meets the social needs of present and future generations by restricting the use of a 10% annual growth of natural capital while improving the quality of life of populations. However, sustainable development is not enough.

We also need to meet the sacred obligation to leave the Earth in a state that allows humans and our fellow inhabitants not only to sustain but excel in their journeys up the global ladder of life.

The critical task is to improve the lives of millions of people in a non-damaging way. To do this, we need to combine the cultural and political values that so many people in third-world countries are still fighting for.

What Are the Environmental Problems of Sustainable Development?

Without sustainable development, we are facing challenges that are both potentially devastating and difficult to live with.

Sustainable development can potentially help solve some of the major environmental problems we face as a global society, including:

Waste disposal.

Population growth.

Climate change.

In a good-on-the-environmental-front-but-takes-handful-of-reserves mindset, we have outsourced our agriculture, ordered products online, wasted resources, and cut down on our living standards.

This is unsustainable, and we are now facing serious environmental dilemmas like the retreat of Arctic ice, rapid global warming, rising sea levels, and increasingly vulnerable reefs.

Does Sustainable Development Aid the Environment?

We all need a green planet. We need clean, healthy, unpolluted beaches and clean air.  Sustainable development makes our world better for everyone. It allows us to inhabit this beautiful planet in a way that benefits us and our world. Our environment will be cleaned up, people can live more comfortably, our food supply will be increased, and people and animals can be protected not only from hazardous industries, but more importantly, from natural disasters.

In order to achieve sustainable development, we need to take a holistic and integrated approach that considers the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of development.

We can’t focus so narrowly on each dimension individually. Consideration of all three of them is essential.

Is Sustainable Development Ethical?

Sustainable development is a set of strategies governing human activities that seeks to ensure the highest levels of human welfare and the greatest degree of environmental stability. The word sustainable in a piece of information implies a balance between the human-made factors and the natural factors in accordance with the present time and circumstances.

But, we need to be aware of the fact that we are human beings and always prone to be emotional or, even worse, downright paranoid. Therefore, it is a piece of advice to be very careful in this matter.

It is important to focus on positive statements because in reality, a lot of people hold the idea that sustainable development is explicitly unjust and unfair.

However, 2 studies by the United Nations, one looking at ethical consumption and the other on ethical resource consumption, concluded that the majority of people felt that sustainable development was a positive statement.

So this means that most people are open to being a part of sustainable development unless of course they are threatened by it in some way.

That is why it is extremely important to take the time to prepare the message, not skip any specifics, and be ethical at all times.

Do We Need Sustainable Development right Now?

We still have time to accomplish the steps required to achieve sustainable development. We are not in a race with the Earth’s ecosystem. We can and we must do better. If we do, we will flourish and our children and their children will flourish as well. If we don’t, there will not be a human race. But, to reap the result in future, we need to give it a start right now.


The most pressing issue for sustainable development is poverty. Poverty encompasses a range of issues affecting the poor and vulnerable. It can mean hunger, homelessness, lack of shelter, access to clean water, an education, free movement, healthcare, sustainable food, and housing.

The consequences of not addressing poverty are plentiful and far-reaching. Some of the unintended consequences are inequality and injustice, and climate change.

To address these kinds of issues, we need to develop a social and economic framework that encourages sustainable practices like land enclosure.

Healthy diets, nutritious food, water sanitation, vaccination, school attendance, and birth spacing, all play a role in sustainable development.  However, contributing practices that pertain to differential levels of development in relation to personal seclusion to childcare.

In the past, development has focused on exploiting the environment to support economic growth. This type of development is often called “unsustainable” because it cannot be continued indefinitely without damaging the environment and, ultimately, undermining human welfare. A more sustainable approach to development would take into account the limits of the earth’s natural resources and ecosystem services and seek to minimize negative environmental impact.

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