Types, Causes, and Effects of Pollution and How to Combat It

Types, Causes, and Effects of Pollution and How to Combat It



Pollution is an environmental issue that has been increasing around the world day by day. It is the addition of any substance or energy into the environment, which has a harmful effect on the environment and its inhabitants. There are different types of pollutions such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. The causes of pollution are many and it varies widely. They include emissions from vehicles and factories, deforestation and agricultural runoff, acid rain, and even radioactive waste. The effects of pollution are also varied. They include global warming, ozone depletion, land degradation, water shortages, and increased cases of cancer and other diseases. Pollution is a major global problem that requires immediate action if we are to save our planet.

What is Pollution?

Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment, the addition of either a substance or energy that is harmful to the natural environment itself. Natural pollution comes from any physical or chemical contamination found within the environment such as air and water, but pollution also consists of much more serious components such as drugs, toxic chemicals, and waste.

Pollution is usually obtained through certain activities such as manufacturing, farming, and even through low-level emissions from heavy vehicles and factories. It is important to add that all pollution is unhealthy and many pollutants are harmful substances. Some of these harmful substances include radiation, noise, gasses, organic substances, and combustion. Another major producer of pollution is the greenhouse effect. It is brought about by the use of heavier than air pollutants such as carbon compounds, black carbon, and black soot.

Types of pollution imaginable are as follows:

Natural pollution comes from anything physical and chemical that is found within the environment. They can be highly toxic to humans as well as cause sickness and disease. Toxic materials such as gases are created when fossil fuels such as coal or oil are burned. This causes many problems for the environment and its inhabitants. Gaseous pollutants such as carbon dioxide combined with a number of organizations creates a greenhouse effect.

Fires produce the harmful substance of black smoke. They are created when fires burn wood, sugarcane, and trash in order to produce energy.

There are various types of pollution but one common cause for all of them is the addition of any unnecessary substance into the environment or an impurity onto the surface of water and land. There are numerous types of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.

Soil pollution could lead to acidic rain that leads to dust, as well as pollution from trees that can alter the pH level of soil.

The aquifer is polluted with fossil fuels such as methane, oil, and sulfur from boats and cars, etc.

Air pollution is caused by the release of harmful gases and particles into the atmosphere. These pollutants can come from a variety of sources, including automobiles, factories, and power plants. The sources of air pollution include cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust, pesticides, plastic mulch, and atmospheric tower smoke.


The effects of pollution are both negative and positive. The negative effects include global warming, ozone depletion, land degradation, water shortages, and increased pandemics. The positive effects include the growth of better insects, flowering of plants, and an increase in species diversity.

Domestic Pollution Sources and What to do About Them:

General indoor pollution sources, according to the World Health Organization, include burning charcoal, wood, coal, and other solid fuels for household use. This has a variety of additive emissions and health effects such as respiratory problems, lung development, asthma, shortness of breath, and mucus development. If you don’t use modern fuels such as kerosene, electric, and carbon neutral fuel sources, you want to consider cleaning up your indoor-air quality. It’s never a good idea to build a home with poor indoor air quality. Consumers regularly spend $1000 – $15000 per year so that they can breathe healthy air inside their homes.

Indoor air pollution sources, besides burning solid fuel, include chemical pollutants such as formaldehyde, wood glue, volatile organic compounds, tobacco particles, volatile organic compounds, radon, fingers, and dog breath. The best way to reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants is to keep indoor contamination at a minimum, as polluters drastically increase in the household dust in a short amount of time.

To reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants, it is a good idea to use as few wood-burning or other differentiated energy sources regularly. If you frequently use air cleaners, switches and filters to clean your air, you should change the filters to ensure that they keep out enough pollutants for you to breathe comfortably.

Formulating a Pollution Program:

Air Pollution affects the environment in two ways. It either adds to or removes particles and gasses from the air. This is known as air pollution. If the pollution is removed, then it is pollution control. Otherwise it is pollution. Pollution is an added or a lowered amount of chemical, gasses, or matter in the air. It, constitutes smog or acid rain, or ground

Samples of pollution include carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, lead, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, or other dilute gasses. Soil or waters can also be polluted by soil, water, or ground pollution. These may cause cancer, heart problems, respiratory conditions, or brain damage because of the chemicals and salts in the air, water, or soil. To make pollution control or pollution effective in the environment, there must be policies in place to reduce down pollution controls, infrastructure, and to reduce the levels of pollution. Pollution can be prevented by calculating the level of pollution in order to determine the proper level to fight pollution with. Pollution incidents require rapid action, and it is usually the best way to approach this issue. It is estimated that many deaths are caused directly by air pollution. This pollution can cause some people to feel nauseated, tired, or feel dizzy. It is continually known today that air pollution has very severe and lethal effects upon humans. Tools to Fight Pollution.


Pollution is a reality we must deal with and solutions are endless. Pollution is all around us: Even easy pollution is heavily present where we live. Tackling pollution has proven to be costly.

However, it’s not limited to urban areas. Rural farming is already a more costly farming practice by way of natural resources pollution. As farming gets more complex, pollution will only increase.

Industry change is necessary to provide a more sustainable future. We are already used to living in an environment where pollution is basically a non-issue.


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